Friday, July 17, 2009

Days 4, 5 and 6

Well, since I already have my reminders written down I guess I get to fast forward a little bit. I keep a file on the computer that I update each day. I find it a little more "fun" to highlight an item that I have completed rather than cross it out. It's easier to use seasonal colors that way, lol!

Hmm, nagging voices. I've had a LOT of nagging through the years - and it's always been my voice. It's really been quite difficult to change-but I'm working on that. Funny, as I've gotten older it's been easier to see that those people that keep a "perfect" house have clutter in other, unseen, parts of their lives. Other than my house, I am really quite happy with my family and my life!! Well, there is the body clutter, but that's a WHOLE other post for another day....

I need to remember that Christ died for me-He thinks I'm worth it! As always, I must trust in Him!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Now here is one of my major stumbling blocks - hot spots! We are all SO BAD about them. Since I'm working on clearing out those unwanted visitors in my kitchen, today I will clear one hot spot from the kitchen counters. I've already worked on quite a bit, but I have 3 piles to go. I will not get overwhelmed, just one pile today. Heh heh....clearing piles makes me rhymes!


  1. Hi! I found your blog on the FlyLady forums! Mine is I'm going to add you to my daily reading! Good luck and God bless!


  2. Hey I came by too and added you to my list to follow. Hope you come by some time.
