Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 7 - Picking out my what?!? today is Day 7. Flylady's advice is to lay out my clothes the night before. That's another one I've never been very good at. Well, I was when I was working outside the home, but now I'm "just" a SAHM. My uniform is pretty much the same every day - cruddy tshirt and shorts/pants/sweats. The cruddy tshirt is clean, mind you (and folded!), but I have stained so many shirts, I don't ever wear anything "good" around the house anymore.

I guess I should still lay them out, right? The day that I really need to have done this is Sunday mornings as we're trying to get the family out to church. Oh my....I just had a lightbulb moment. Sooooo, if I get into the habit of laying out my clothes every night, then come Saturday night I'll be more apt to actually DO it. There's no particular urgency to do it the other 6 nights, but they are what will help me establish the foundation, the HABIT.

I think I'll try a little spin on this - I am going to move my "picking out my clothes" to my morning routine, rather than leaving it for the evening. I'm so focused on getting the kids to bed at night that I really need an abbreviated evening routine.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    I don't know when I will actually lay out my clothes. I am going to have to think on this. My mornings are so busy and like you said, evenings we are getting to bed. I may try and do it in the middle of the day?? I will see. Last night I laid mine out right before bed. Ha, it was easy though. It was what I was already wearing. LOL.

    I think laying out my son's clothes too will be helpful. He gets up and gets dressed while I am at the goats and I sometimes have to make him change, especially if we have somewhere to go.
